Leadership Skills: One on one coaching tips from a professional dancer

Leadership Skills: One on one coaching tips from a professional dancer

A colleague of mine, I’ll call him Aaron, is a professional dancer who has worked in a international professional dance company for five years. He and I got to talking about his work and the leadership tangles that have presented themselves. As we spoke, I realized that therewere some lessons to be learned for all leaders. Here is the first excerpt of an interview I conducted over a period of several weeks.

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A Realistic Approach to Decision Making That Avoids Tangles
leadership, decision making Guest User leadership, decision making Guest User

A Realistic Approach to Decision Making That Avoids Tangles

Jason Zweig, author of the Wall Street Journal's Intelligent Investor, writes that "smart people trying to do good, honest work on behalf of others" may have been responsible for the financial crisis. Zweig's article masterfully lays out some of the challenges that investment committees, boards of directors, and state boards of trustees can face in decisions to invest or not invest. His insightful column can also provide advice to corporate leaders making decisions regarding strategy and strategy execution.

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